Renowned Hollywood actor Liam Neeson is presently on location in the charming Victorian goldmining town of Walhalla, filming scenes for “Ice Road 2: Road to the Sky.” Nestled in Gippsland, this picturesque town boasts a modest population of around 20 people. Brian Brewer, the vice president of the Walhalla Heritage and Development League, provides a unique perspective as a sixth-generation local who operates the corner store.
Brewer recently shared fascinating insights with Sammy J regarding the town’s remarkable transformation into a Nepalese village for the film.
This unexpected metamorphosis has added an extra layer of intrigue to Walhalla’s historical charm. Moreover, Brewer sheds light on the excitement buzzing through the community, fueled by local sightings of the esteemed Liam Neeson during the ongoing filming process.
As the production unfolds in this small Australian town, the fusion of Hollywood glamour with Walhalla’s rustic ambiance creates a captivating blend.
The presence of a global star like Neeson has not only elevated the town’s profile but has also sparked enthusiasm among the locals, making this cinematic endeavor a memorable and unique chapter in Walhalla’s history.