On May 4, Vivo unveiled the Vivo T1 Pro 5G and the Vivo T1 44W in India. As the T1 Pro model had been listed on Flipkart since last week, Vivo gradually confirmed some of its specifications by updating its description. First, it was stated that the device would be powered by the Snapdragon 778G chipset. These new smartphones are the latest from the Chinese firm in the budget segment to offer fast charging.
Vivo T1 Pro 5G
The Vivo T1 Pro 5G will launch with Snapdragon 778G power and support 66W fast charging. After 18 minutes of charging time, they say, the phone will be at 50% capacity. In addition, the manufacturer has reportedly created a new power management system that should help it stay cool under pressure.
The latest leaked renders of the Vivo T1 Pro 5G show that it will boast a triple camera setup. When it comes to imaging, the T1 Pro will have a triple setup camera with, 64MP main camera accompanied by a wide-angle lens and a macro camera. With a triple-camera in tow, tomorrow’s Vivo phone will deliver impressive shots in all kinds of lighting. The “Super Night Camera” will allow you to capture crisp, life-like images at all hours of the day.
Vivo’s T1 Pro 5G and T1 44W look positively identical to Vivo’s T1 and iQOO Z6 Pro 5G and Z6 44W respectively, which can be confusing for consumers. A market where Vivo is competing against its own sub-brand! It’s confusing, for sure.